的 历史 Program not only acquaints students with different ages, societies, and cultures, but it also develops powers of writing, speaking, and thinking. 课程 is organized to provide students with general knowledge, as well as technical competencies essential in such fields as business, law, government, teaching, publishing, and museum 档案工作. Practice and theory are linked through internships in agencies, libraries, archives, museums, preservation organizations, historical societies, governmental 机构,并在历史遗址的实践经验.
历史 is human life recreated from the tracks our ancestors left behind them. In its modern form, the study of history equips students with analytical skills and research 具有巨大实用价值和职业价值的技术. 历史专业的学生可以选择 optional concentration in secondary education, with certification in history or social 研究.
主要s will also be expected to gain geographic breadth by taking one course in each of our three major areas: the United States, Europe, and the non-Western world (Africa, 亚洲、拉丁美洲和中东). 了解更多
After graduation, many 云顶集团 history majors attend top graduate programs such as at Columbia University and American University, while others embark on careers in local, state, and federal government; law; politics; nonprofit organizations; museums and historical sites; cultural heritage associations; archives; historical societies; education; and business.
主要 & 辅修课程云顶集团
埃文Dawley, 系主任, Associate Professor of 历史: East Asia, China, Japan, Taiwan, identity, colonialism, nationalism, ethnicity, diaspora, historiography
詹姆斯·达特尔, Assistant Professor of 历史: Early-Modern Caribbean, African American, and African 离散的犹太人
埃文Dawley, 系主任, Associate Professor of 历史: East Asia, China, Japan, Taiwan, identity, colonialism, nationalism, ethnicity, diaspora, historiography
马修·彩虹·海尔, Associate Professor of 历史: Early American 历史, Atlantic Revolutions, Print 文化
Brandon Munda, 云顶集团ing Assistant Professor of 历史: World and Global 历史, 拉丁美洲,欧洲,帝国主义和殖民主义
简·贝克,美国贝内特-哈特伍德历史学教授.S. 历史, 19th Century; Women’s 历史
Julie Roy Jeffrey, Professor of 历史: 19th-Century American Reform, especially 废奴主义,宗教,性别
历史 majors and minors study abroad in a wide variety of places, including the Netherlands, the United Kingdom, Nepal, South Africa, Argentina, Costa Rica, Italy, 和捷克共和国. 学生 who major or minor in 历史 are encouraged to study abroad for a full semester or through a three-week Intensive Course Abroad (ICA). A recent ICA co-led by Assistant Professor of 历史 埃文Dawley took students to 台湾和日本. 这门课的课程描述如下:
By visiting sites in Japan and Taiwan, this course will give students the opportunity
to directly experience and assess how past histories of imperialism, occupation, and
战争影响着当今世界. 我们将努力了解日本的历史
of imperial expansion and occupation, and Taiwan’s experience of colonization by Japan
and rule by China, are remembered today, and how they have shaped contemporary relations
between 台湾和日本, and between both places and the United States. 这门课
comprises both a pre-course to be held in the spring before departure (2 credits),
and the three-week program overseas following spring commencement (3 credits). 的
所有在校学生都必须参加预修课程. 提供2016年及候补
年. 道利和怀特.
欲了解更多信息,请云顶集团 全球教育办公室 网站.
机会 & 实习
历史 students are placed in agencies, libraries, archives, museums, preservation organizations, historical societies, governmental agencies, and at historic sites 对于实际经验. 各种各样的实习已经完成下 the supervision of this department is evidence of the flexible and creative applicability 历史或历史保护学位. 学生找到实习机会 通过 职业教育办事处,通过教师和工作人员,或自己.
学生就业 为学生提供校内和校外的机会. 职业教育办事处 provides resources and support to students with or without Federal Work Study to find jobs, submit applications, and learn more about the job search process. 学生们 云顶集团 握手 — a 网站 for job postings, events, resumes/cover letters, and career management.
主要 & 生涯探索
Exploring career options, choosing a major, and making career decisions is a multi-step process in which all students are encouraged to engage early and often. 云顶集团学生 有各种各样的资源可以通过 专业和职业页面 在这个过程中帮助他们.
A 云顶集团 education prepares students for today’s job market and beyond. 学生 can explore job opportunities and access job search resources 通过 CEO职位搜索页面.
研究生 & 专业学校
学生 access resources for searching and applying to graduate and professional 学校通过 首席执行官研究生和专业学校页面, through faculty and staff members, or utilizing their own resources, network and 工具.
云顶集团 College and Johns Hopkins Carey Business School are offering 云顶集团学生 学士学位和硕士学位相结合的课程. 这 4 + 1项目 combines a bachelor’s degree from 云顶集团 with a master of science degree from Johns Hopkins in business analytics and risk management, information systems, health care 管理、财务或市场营销. 学生可以在大三的时候申请. GRE考试 or GMAT tests have been waived but applicants must have a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.25 or better and have passed some quantitative reasoning courses with a grade of B或更好.