ChooseWhy Choose This Program?

Why Study Studio Art at Goucher?

辅修艺术工作室结合了密集从事的教师和专业设施 在一个更大的学校,个人关注每个学生的艺术和 scholarly development only possible at a smaller college. The program offers a vast 思想和概念的论坛为你准备了广泛的学科. You will have access to a shared studio space for interaction with classmates. Our faculty 员工会帮助你培养激情,为你的职业生涯积累经验 并致力于文科教育,为你在一个广泛的,人性化的 探究性、创造性、批判性和分析性思维的生活视角. Nancy G Unobskey云顶集团艺术家计划使工作室艺术能够走向国际 著名的艺术家来到云顶集团的校园,为学生提供有意义的和有意义的 通过西尔伯画廊的展览、工作室参观和讨论来接触艺术家 groups and lectures. Some previous visiting artists include Linda Montano, Ann Hamilton, Whitfield Lovell, Mark Dion & Layla Ali. Our minor complements many areas of study, 包括视觉、图书馆与物质文化、综合艺术等专业 研究、数码艺术、传播及媒体研究,以及中等辅修教育 in art history, and a concentration in arts management. 

LearnWhat Will You Learn?

What Will You Learn?

自1885年成立以来,云顶集团一直坚定地致力于卓越的自由主义 arts.  你将展示你对美学传统和惯例的了解 in assessing the merit and value of artwork; build on existing academic, analytical, and technical abilities across a range of media; and examine the role of the visual arts in the 21st 世纪的社会和文化条件突出了当前的创作景观.  你将被鼓励学习传统技能和探索视觉解决问题 within an open curriculum. 

Meyerhoff艺术中心,位于校园的中心,容纳了这个项目 offices, the studios for drawing, painting, printmaking, sculpture & 3D, ceramics, print media, and its seminar and lecture rooms.  Photography and digital media courses (图像、声音/声音艺术、视频、互动媒体、动态图像和动画) utilize one of two digital classrooms located in Van Meter. 

DoWhat Will You Do?

What Will You Do?

工作室艺术课程强调独立思考和改造实验 交流情感和想法的材料,为认真的询问做准备; whether in research or studio practice.  You’re able to bring your own experiences and skills into a community of peers. 

Our Art & Research Practicum course brings artists, gallery directors & curators into the classroom for in-depth conversations & interaction. You will have the opportunity 参观华盛顿巴尔的摩的画廊、博物馆和艺术家经营的空间 DC and Philadelphia.  

有了多样化的媒介,你将带着一个庞大的投资组合离开 into graduate school or a professional art career. 

Course Curriculum


Program Contact 
Rick Delaney, Department Chair, Assistant Professor: Digital Media and Printmaking

Full-Time Faculty
Stuart Abarbanel, Professor: Painting, Drawing, and Visual Thinking

Allyn Massey, Associate Professor: Sculpture and 3D Thinking

Matthew McConville, Associate Professor: Painting

Half-Time Faculty
P.J. Thompson, Assistant Professor: Drawing and Visual Thinking

Adjunct Faculty

Adriana Monsalve

Christina McCleary, Associate Professor, Studio Art

Dara Lorenzo, Assistant Professor: Printmaking 

E. Brady Robinson

Ian Jackson, Adjunct Professor: Printmaking and Drawing

Affiliate Faculty
April Oettinger, Professor: Art History and Visual Culture 

Study Abroad

通过选择三周的强化课程,由云顶集团或学期课程 适合他们的学术计划,艺术和艺术史的学生获得全球视野 that enhances their course of study. Study abroad opportunities for students studying 这些领域包括神圣空间、禁林和自然之地 in Contemporary Japan.

Visit the Office of Global Education for more information.

Opportunities & Internships

Scholarships and Awards

The Spencer Award

埃莉诺·斯宾塞奖每年颁发给即将升学的二年级学生 a major in art history or studio art. It funds outstanding research projects requiring travel to complete. Proposals are submitted to the department chair early in the spring semester and are reviewed by the program faculty.



实习帮助学生探索可能性,云顶集团课堂学习,并有所收获 experience. Explore internships and credit options.

通过与学生建立关系,学生可以通过实习获得大学学分 地区博物馆、艺术组织、艺术家、画廊和设计工作室也是如此 as through professional relationships researched by the student. These provide students with hands-on experience and help them establish professional contacts. Certain courses 对云顶集团的学生开放,包括约翰学院 霍普金斯大学,马里兰艺术学院和陶森大学.


Student Employment

Student employment connects students to both on and off-campus opportunities. The Career Education Office 为有或没有联邦工作学习的学生提供资源和支持 jobs, submit applications, and learn more about the job search process. Students have access to Handshake -一个招聘、活动、简历/求职信和职业管理的网站.

Major & Career Exploration

探索职业选择,选择专业,做出职业决定是一个多步骤的过程 process in which all students are encouraged to engage early and often. Goucher students have a variety of resources available through the Majors and Career page to assist them in this process.

Job Search

A Goucher education prepares students for today’s job market and beyond. Students 能透过网站寻找工作机会及查阅求职资源吗 CEO Job Search page.

Graduate & Professional School

学生可以云顶集团资源来搜索和申请研究生和专业 school through the CEO Graduate and Professional School page,通过教职员工,或利用自己的资源,网络和 tools.

Johns Hopkins Carey Business School 4+1 BA/MS Program

云顶集团和约翰霍普金斯大学凯里商学院也招收云顶集团的学生 a combined bachelor’s and master’s degree program. This 4+1 program 他拥有云顶集团大学的学士学位和约翰大学的理学硕士学位 霍普金斯大学的商业分析和风险管理,信息系统,医疗保健 management, finance, or marketing. Students can apply during their junior year. GRE 或GMAT考试已被豁免,但申请人必须达到最低累积GPA 3.25分或以上,通过部分定量推理课程,成绩为 B or better.

Alumni SpotlightChevron iconAlex Ebstein ’07

Chevron icon

Alex Ebstein ’07

“在云顶集团,我了解到你的兴趣和目标可以被带走 you anywhere.”

Read my story

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